Have the benefits of the cold shower been scientifically proven?
We keep repeating, in all areas of personal development, but also of health and hygiene, that the cold shower has considerable benefits on the body as well as on the mind.
When we talk about shower in general, the common man tends to associate this idea with a hot, relaxing and soothing shower. A lot of people have a habit of not being able to start their day without a hot shower.
The benefits of a good hot shower are numerous, like its counterpart reserved for the most daring. Here is a short list
Relaxation of the mind. The effect of psychological relaxation that a hot shower has on our restless mind is clearly not negligible. Have you ever lost your way in your thoughts, taking a shower?
Relaxation and relaxation of the body. Hot water acts as a kind of natural massage on the muscles, and reduces the chances of getting aches and cramps after physical exertion.
Healing of muscle contractures, such as back pain, aches, strains…
Opening of the pores. The hot shower, or hot bath, allows us to get rid of our dead cells and regenerate our skin.
But now, what we are interested in is the advantages of a cold shower. With the benefits of a hot and saving shower mentioned above, how can you claim to prefer cold showers?
Here is a list, tending to the fullest, of the benefits of the cold shower:
Stimulation of the immune system. Under cold water, our body will react immediately by stimulating and strengthening our immune system. In the long term, the body will be better able to defend itself against viruses and infections.
Considerable improvement in the quality of the skin and hair. A good cold shower helps to maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
Reduced risk of inflammation, tendinitis etc. It is not uncommon to see these cases treated with coldtreated with cold, ice or cold water.
Blood circulation. Cold shower is an excellent vector for improving blood circulation in the body.
Improved cognitive capacity. The ability to think, to reason. The brain connectors alarm much faster and the brain’s responsiveness is increased tenfold by a cold shower. A cold shower in the morning is probably the best alarm clock imaginable. Drop your coffee and social networks.
Acceleration of physical recovery. Ask yourself why some great sportsmen take an icy water bath after their performances. The cold has an effect of recovery, warming of the muscles impressive. In the shower, it will repel all the lactic acid by contractingmuscles. You know what to do after your next workout.
High calorie expenditure. To maintain temperature, the body must constantly read against the cold waves that run through the skin. In the long term, the cold shower is therefore recommended to lose calories.
Reduced stress. When the body faces the cold, it generates certain antioxidants that have the effect of fighting stress. Studies have also shown that cold water has the power to fight depression through the secretion of noradrenaline.
Improvement of sleep. Given the contribution of feeling calm, relaxation, well-being of cold water, your sleep will only be more restorative.
Out of the comfort zone. Indeed, the cold shower is reserved for the most determined, the bravest. Taking a cold snap at the beginning of the day or at the end of a sports session is no one’s cup of tea. It’s really not easy to get into a cold shower, dive your head under the icy jet, see your hair shudder and snap your teeth. Starting with an effort, a difficult and uncomfortable act, is only good for your motivation, your energy. This will put you in an inspiring and supportive move for the rest of the day.
Increase of testosterone, fertility, improvement of the protective capacities of the immune system, etc.
The benefits of the cold shower are many, but still difficult. One of the best tips I could give you is to set a goal, and to go gradually.
Impose 30 days of cold shower, for example, and see the evolution on your person after.
And if you have trouble getting your head down under cold water, set it to warm for a while, then slowly lower it.
Breathe well in your shower, it is better not to breath like after a marathon… Inhale, exhale ventrally, and you won’t even feel your cold shower.
Health and Fitness