dish was originally intended for the poor but now only the rich have access to this dish

dish was originally intended for the poor but now only the rich have access to this dish

dish was originally intended for the poor but now only the rich have access to this dish
eel fry 

 Today, they are traded in Europe around 300 to 500 € per kilo and are trafficked to Asia, where the price per kilo becomes stratospheric.

It is impossible to raise eel fry: it is assumed that they are born somewhere in the Sargasso Sea, but we have never seen an eel egg...

In the Nantes region, before becoming a delicacy and popular with gourmets, the glass eel, then abundant, was a poor man's dish: the Loire was still teeming with it in the 60s before pollution decimated them.

My grandmother would also say to my grandfather when he brought it back to her: "Again! But that's for the bells!"

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