Why do doctors put a finger in the anus for prostate cancer exams if the next step in the anus is the rectum and then the intestine?

 Why do doctors put a finger in the anus for prostate cancer exams if the next step in the anus is the rectum and then the intestine?

A digital rectal exam is a common medical procedure used to detect signs of prostate cancer in men. Although prostate cancer is not exclusively detected by this method, it can provide important information to help diagnose the disease.

The digital rectal examination is performed by inserting a gloved and lubricated finger into the patient's anus to palpate the prostate through the rectal wall. The prostate is located just in front of the rectum, so this method allows doctors to detect abnormalities, such as bumps, hardenings or nodules, that could indicate cancer or another prostate condition.

Although the next step of the anus is the rectum and intestine, the purpose of prostate examination is not to examine the rectum or intestines, but rather to evaluate the prostate itself. 

In addition, digital rectal exam is considered a quick, inexpensive and non-invasive method to screen for prostate cancer in men.

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It is important to note that a digital rectal exam does not provide definitive results and does not replace other prostate cancer screening tests such as the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test or prostate biopsy. However, it can be used as an initial screening tool to help identify men who might need further testing or further evaluation.

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